General Conference October 2023
In the Path of Their Duty by Elder David A. Bednar (full talk)
You who today are pressing forward in the path of your duty are the strength of the Savior’s restored Church.
- I am grateful for millions of Church members in Christ-centered homes and in Church units around the world:
- who today are coming unto the Savior and pressing forward on the covenant path;
- and who serve diligently, selflessly, and, most often, anonymously;
- and who courageously heed not the secular voices extolling self-centeredness;
- and who “wait upon the Lord” and do not demand that He meet your mortal deadlines;
- and who are repenting of your sins, and seeking the cleansing and healing power of the Savior’s Atonement;
- and who press forward with faith and weary not in well-doing;
- and who love and serve, listen and learn, care and console, and teach and testify by the power of the Holy Ghost;
- and who offer your “whole souls” unto God;
- and who fast and pray often, wax stronger and stronger in humility, and grow firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, “unto the filling [your] souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of [your] hearts, which sanctification cometh because of ... yielding [your] hearts unto God.”
- And as the Lord has promised, “all thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
My Thoughts: Elder Bednar describes those who will be exalted in the celestial kingdom and receive eternal life.
The Sealing Power By Elder D. Todd Christofferson (full talk)
The sealing power makes individual salvation and family exaltation universally available to the children of God.
- The Lord told Abraham that through his seed and priesthood “all the families of the earth [should] be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.”
- In 1836, Moses appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple and “committed … the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth.” On that same occasion, Elias appeared and “committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, saying that in us and our seed all generations after us should be blessed.”
- The prophet Elijah restored the power to validate all priesthood ordinances and make them binding both on earth and in heaven—the sealing power—is crucial for gathering and preparing a covenant people on both sides of the veil.
- The sealing power confers a seal of legitimacy upon your baptism, for example, so that it is recognized here and in heaven.
- The very reason the earth was created was so families could be formed and sealed to each other. Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter. No one can be exalted alone.
- It is this free-floating, disconnected state of individuals, on the one hand, or connections that defy the marriage and family relations God has appointed, on the other hand, that would frustrate the very purpose of the earth’s creation. Were that to become the norm, it would be tantamount to the earth being smitten with a curse or “utterly wasted” at the Lord’s coming.
- Rephrased: The very purpose of the earth’s creation would be frustrated and the earth smitten with a curse or “utterly wasted” at the Lord’s coming if it were to become the norm 1. for individuals to remain in a free-floating, disconnected state (i.e. an unmarried state) or 2. for people to enter into relations that defy the marriage and family relationship God has appointed (i.e. any type of relationship other than marriage between one man and one woman).
My Thoughts: Elder Christofferson explains that Moses brought the keys of gathering Israel, Elias brought the keys to the Gospel of Abraham. We gather Israel by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who are baptized begin the journey on the covenant path that leads to the temple where they receive the same covenants and are promised the same blessings that were given to Abraham and Sarah. Elijah brought the keys that make the covenants and ordinances of the Priesthood binding both on earth and in heaven, binding the generations together. The earth would be wasted if the norm becomes that people remain single or enter into connections that are not marriage between a man and a woman and the associated family as God has appointed and therefore ultimately do not enter into an eternal marriage and family relationship that leads to exaltation in the celestial kingdom which is the purpose of the earth's creation.
President Dallin H. Oaks: Kingdoms of Glory (full talk)
We have a loving Heavenly Father who will see that we receive every blessing and every advantage that our own desires and choices allow.
- Each of us chooses our eternal destination by the laws we are willing to keep and the person we are striving to become.
- Heavenly Father loves all His children so much that He wants us all to live in a kingdom of glory forever.
- All the children of God—with exceptions too limited to consider here—will ultimately inherit one of three kingdoms of glory, even the least of which “surpasses all understanding.” (D&C 76:89)
- We may all attain “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” (Eph 4:13) That process requires far more than acquiring knowledge. It is not enough to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something.
- The Final Judgment is not just based on what we have done. It is based on what we have become.
Elder Neil L. Andersen: Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven (full talk)
- All that we have and all that we are comes from God. The Lord has asked us to return to Him and His kingdom on earth 10 percent of our increase.
- The Lord declares, “Prove me now herewith,” (Mal 3:10; 3 Ne 24:10) a phrase found nowhere else in the scriptures but when quoting Malachi.
- The windows of heaven open in many ways. Some are temporal, but many are spiritual. Some are subtle and easy to overlook. Trust in the Lord’s timing; the blessings always come.
- The world speaks of tithing in terms of our money, but the sacred law of tithing is principally a matter of our faith.
- I testify to the words of President Russell M. Nelson: “In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns … , He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.”
Note: Elder Anderson related several stories about the blessings of paying tithing, both in the talk and in the footnotes
Elder Gary E. Stevenson: Promptings of the Spirit (full talk)
The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is one of the greatest spiritual gifts Latter-day Saints enjoy.
- The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is one of the greatest spiritual gifts Latter-day Saints enjoy. President Russell M. Nelson stated that “in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
- Four guiding principles for inviting and recognizing the promptings of the Spirit: 1. Stand in Holy Places, 2: Stand with Holy People, 3. Testify of Holy Truths, 4. Listen to the Holy Spirit
- Some Words of Caution: 1. Confirm your spiritual impressions, 2. Be certain that the feelings you receive are consistent with your assignment, 3. Spiritual matters cannot be forced, 4. Use your own best judgment.
- President Dallin H. Oaks taught: “A desire to be led by the Lord is a strength, but it needs to be accompanied by an understanding that our Heavenly Father leaves many decisions for our personal choices. … Persons who try to shift all decision making to the Lord and plead for revelation in every choice will soon find circumstances in which they pray for guidance and don’t receive it. … We should study things out in our minds. … Then we should pray for guidance and act upon it. … If we do not receive guidance, we should act upon our best judgment.”
- Your ability to invite and recognize the promptings of the Spirit will develop a step at a time. Remember that as Latter-day Saints you are gifted.
- Each morning think to yourself "I am a child of God! He knows me! He loves me! I am gifted—gifted with the Holy Ghost as my constant companion!”
Put on the bathroom mirror: "I am a child of God! He knows me! He loves me! I am gifted—with a constant companion and friend: the Holy Ghost!”
Elder Ronald A. Rasband: How Great Will Be Your Joy (full talk)
I now invite you to take your know-how, coupled with your time-honored testimonies, and go on a mission.
- The gathering of Israel is the ultimate recognition that “the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” (D&C 18:10) It is as simple as that.
- Today I am speaking to the many seasoned seniors in the Church who could serve as missionaries. The Lord needs you.
- As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to serve as a missionary in the gathering of Israel and perhaps even serve again. We need you—we need you.
- I also promise that as you serve, you will feel the love of the Lord in your life, you will know Him, He will know you, and “how great shall be your joy.” (D&C 18:15) Your dedicated service to Jesus Christ will inspire and bless your family, your grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. “Peace, and love [will] be multiplied” (Jude 1:2) in their lives for years to come. I promise. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder Ulisses Soares: Brothers and Sisters in Christ (full talk)
May we enjoy more the spiritual kinship that exists between us and value the different attributes and varied gifts we all have.
- Our dear prophet, Russell M. Nelson, declared: “I call upon our members everywhere to lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice. I plead with you to promote respect for all of God’s children.” (GC Oct 2020) As a global and ever-growing Church, following this invitation from our prophet is a vital prerequisite for building the Savior’s kingdom in every nation of the world.
- The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that we are all begotten spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents who truly love us and that we lived as a family in God’s presence before we were born on this earth. The gospel also teaches that we were all created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, we are equal before Him, for He “hath made of one blood all nations of men [and women].” (Acts 17:26) Therefore, we all have divine nature, heritage, and potential.
- President Nelson further emphasized the importance of spreading dignity and respect for our fellow beings when he stated: “The Creator of us all calls on each of us to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group of God’s children. Any of us who has prejudice toward another race needs to repent! … It behooves each of us to do whatever we can in our spheres of influence to preserve the dignity and respect every son and daughter of God deserves.”
- During His earthly ministry, Jesus “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38) unto all people, inviting them to come unto Him and partake of His goodness regardless of their origin, social class, or cultural characteristics. He ministered, healed, and was always attentive to everyone’s needs, especially those who at the time were considered different, belittled, or excluded. He denied none but treated them with equity and love, for He saw them as His brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the same Father.
- The world in general is polarized by strong divisions, accentuated by racial, political, and socioeconomic lines. Such divisions sometimes end up influencing people’s way of thinking and acting in relation to their fellow beings. For this reason, it is not uncommon to see people characterizing the way of thinking, acting, and speaking of other cultures, races, and ethnicities as inferior, making use of preconceived, mistaken, and often sarcastic ideas, generating attitudes of contempt, indifference, disrespect, and even prejudice against them. Such attitudes have their roots in pride, arrogance, envy, and jealousy, characteristics of a carnal nature, which are totally contrary to Christlike attributes. This conduct is improper for those who are striving to become His true disciples. In fact, my dear brothers and sisters, there is no place for prejudiced thoughts or actions in the community of Saints.
- As God’s family on earth we share the same spiritual origin and substance, derived from our divine heritage and kinship. However, each of us flows in different cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities, with different opinions, experiences, and feelings. Despite this, we move forward as God’s children and as brothers and sisters in Christ.
- We are all equal before God, we are all fully endowed with the same eternal potential and inheritance. May we enjoy more the spiritual kinship that exists between us and value the different attributes and varied gifts we all have.
President M. Russell Ballard: Praise to the Man (full talk)
How abundantly blessed we are to know all that we know because we have Joseph Smith, the prophet of this last dispensation of time.
- My beloved brothers and sisters, my testimony to you this morning is how abundantly blessed we are to know all that we know because we have Joseph Smith, the prophet of this last dispensation of time.
- We have an understanding of the purpose of life, of who we are.
- We know who God is; we know who the Savior is because we have Joseph.
- I think it’s one of the most glorious and wonderful things that anybody in this world can know—that our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ have revealed Themselves in this latter day and that Joseph has been raised up to restore the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.
- We have the Book of Mormon. It is another witness, another testament that Jesus is the Christ.
- My message this morning is simple and full of love for the Prophet Joseph Smith and for all of those who have sustained him and were willing to sustain him.
- [Joseph Smith was] the prophet to restore the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ once again upon the earth.
- I marvel at how blessed we are to know why we are here, what we should be trying to do and accomplish in our daily lives. We’re in the process of trying to prepare ourselves, a day at a time, to be a little better, be a little kinder, be a little more prepared for that day when we shall pass back into the presence of our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
- [Joseph Smith was] the prophet to restore the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ once again upon the earth.
- I leave you my witness and testimony that I know that Jesus is the Christ. He is our Savior, our Redeemer. He is our best friend.
Elder Quentin L. Cook: Be Peaceable Followers of Christ (full talk)
I testify that “peaceable followers of Christ” will find personal peace in this life and a glorious heavenly reunion.
- We live in a time when “peaceable followers of Christ” experience unique challenges.
- We read in the Pearl of Great Price that the Lord revealed to Abraham the eternal nature of spirits. Abraham learned of our pre-earth life, foreordination, the Creation, the choosing of a Redeemer, and this mortal life, which is the second estate of man. Now all of us are here in the second estate of our journey of progression toward a kingdom of glory as part of God’s great plan of salvation and exaltation. We are blessed with agency and subject to the trials of mortality. This is the time allotted for us to prepare to meet God.
- The Lord revealed to Joseph counsel for difficult times: “Fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. … Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. … Be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.” (D&C 6:34, 36-37) Clearly, our heavenly destiny is not altered when we suffer adversity.
- Church leaders are frequently asked, “Why does a just God allow bad things to happen, especially to good people?” and “Why are those who are righteous and in the Lord’s service not immune from such tragedies?” We do not know all the answers; however, we do know important principles that allow us to face trials, tribulation, and adversities with faith and confidence in a bright future that awaits each of us.
- “In His atoning sacrifice, Jesus Christ took upon Himself our pains, afflictions, and infirmities. ... As we rely on Jesus Christ and His Atonement, He can help us endure our trials, sicknesses, and pain. We can be filled with joy, peace, and consolation. All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” (Preach My Gosepl, 2023 p. 56)
- Our Father’s plan of happiness for His children includes not only a premortal and mortal life but also a potential for eternal life. All wrongs will be righted, and we will see with perfect clarity and faultless perspective and understanding. Under His loving and comprehensive plan, those who appear to be disadvantaged, through no fault of their own, are not ultimately impacted.
- King Benjamin promises that those who faithfully keep the commandments are blessed in all things in this life and “are received into heaven … [and] dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.” (Mosiah 2:41)
- “Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot heal.” (Hymn 115)
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: The Prodigal and the Road That Leads Home (full talk)
Though choices may have taken you far from the Savior and His Church, the Master Healer stands at the road that leads home, welcoming you.
- Elder Uchtdorf tells the parable of The Prodigal Son using modern phrases and terminology. See the full talk.
- Who among us has not departed from the path of holiness, foolishly thinking we could find more happiness going our own self-centered way? Who among us has not felt humbled, brokenhearted, and desperate for forgiveness and mercy?
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s [atoning sacrifice] shines.”
- Though choices may have taken you far away from the Savior and His Church, the Master Healer stands at the road that leads home, welcoming you. And we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ seek to follow His example and embrace you as our brothers and sisters, as our friends.
- I do not pretend that coming back is an easy thing to do. It may, in fact, be the toughest choice you will ever make.
- [The covenant,] our path will not be free from grief, sorrow, or sadness. But we came this far “by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.” And together we will “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all [people].” (2 Ne 31:19-20) Together we will “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory,” (1 Pet 1:8) for Jesus Christ is our strength! (Ps 28:7)
President Henry B. Eyring: Our Constant Companion (full talk)
You and I have the opportunity to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion.
- The Lord speaks to us personally through the Holy Ghost. As we pray and then heed the Spirit’s promptings, we gain greater insights and blessings to guide us through the increasingly difficult days ahead.
- President Russell M. Nelson’s warning that “in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
- What I might teach my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren about how to have that crucial guidance in the difficult days ahead for them.
- Helaman’s sons, Nephi and Lehi faced fierce opposition. (See Hel 11:23) Helaman’s sons were taught and guided by a series of experiences with the Holy Ghost. We can be taught by and learn from the Spirit line upon line, receiving what we need, and then when we are ready, we will receive more.
- “And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.” (1 Ne 4:6) I have been encouraged by knowing that Nephi was guided by the Spirit minute by minute through the night on the Lord’s errand.
- If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost today, you may take it as a sweet evidence that the Atonement is working in your life.
- President Nelson counsels us to review our lifes for opportunities to repent. He reminds us, “Daily repentance is the pathway to purity, and purity brings power.” If you find yourself having difficulty in feeling the Holy Ghost, you might ponder whether there is anything for which you might repent and receive forgiveness.
- If you want to receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost, you must want it for the right reasons. Your purposes must be the Lord’s purposes.
- Of all the things of which the Holy Ghost testifies, the most precious for us is that Jesus is the Christ, the living Son of God. The Savior promised, “When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”
- “Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.” (D&C 121:45-46)
- My thoughts: As we seek the to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion for the right reasons (charity: wanting what the Savior wants) and are striving to obey God (let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly) the Holy Ghost will teach us how to become like the Savior - how to serve others as He did - (the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dew from heaven) and we will have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion which power (power - scepter - of having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion) comes through righteousness and truth and will lead us to be exalted in the celestial kingdom (an everlasting domion) where we can continue as our Father in Heaven to have increasing glory flow unto us without compulsory means (without limiting the agency of others) forever and ever.
Elder Dale G. Renlund: Jesus Christ Is the Treasure (full talk)
Focus on Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and Redeemer, the “mark” to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure.
- We can be prone to look beyond the mark. We need to guard against this tendency lest we miss Jesus Christ in our lives and fail to recognize the many blessings He offers us. We need Him. He is our mark. He is the ultimate “source [to whom we should] look for a remission of [our] sins.” (2 Ne 25:26) He is our Advocate with the Father.
- Sins are cleansed by the power of Jesus Christ through His atoning sacrifice as we make and keep the baptismal covenant. Then, through the gift of repentance, we can remain clean. The treasured blessings of the sacrament are available to us each time we attend sacrament meeting. We are promised that the Holy Ghost will be our constant companion if we approach the sacrament the way a new convert approaches baptism and confirmation, with a broken heart and contrite spirit and a determination to live up to that baptismal covenant. The Holy Ghost blesses us with His sanctifying power so that we can always retain a remission of our sins, week in and week out. Our spiritual foundation is strengthened through repentance and by conscientiously preparing for and worthily partaking of the sacrament.
- We need not seek counsel from exotic sources, prizing the novelty of the source and thinking such counsel will be more enlightened than that which we can receive from a humble prophet of God. When we trust God’s prophet on the earth today and act on his counsel, we will find happiness, and we too can be healed. We need to look no further.
- I encourage you to remember and always focus on Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and Redeemer, the “mark” to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure. As you come to Him, you will be rewarded with strength to face life’s challenges, courage to do what is right, and the ability to fulfill your mission in mortality. Treasure the opportunity to repent, the privilege of partaking of the sacrament, the blessing of making and keeping temple covenants, the delight of worshipping in the temple, and the joy of having a living prophet.
Elder Gerrit W. Gong: Love Is Spoken Here (full talk)
May we each learn to speak and hear His love here, in our hearts and homes, and in our gospel callings, activities, ministering, and service.
- Our Primary children sing, “Love is spoken here.” We speak love in many languages. I am told the human family speaks 7,168 living languages.
- Today, let us speak of three languages of gospel love: the language of warmth and reverence, the language of service and sacrifice, and the language of covenant belonging.
- First, the gospel language of warmth and reverence. With warmth and reverence, our sacrament and other meetings focus on Jesus Christ. We speak reverently of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, personal and real, not only of atonement in the abstract.
- Second, the gospel language of service and sacrifice. When I ask local Church leaders what concerns them, both brothers and sisters say, “Some of our members are not accepting Church calls.” Calls to serve the Lord and each other in His Church give opportunity to increase in compassion, capacity, and humility. President J. Reuben Clark taught, in the Lord’s Church we serve where called, “which place one neither seeks nor declines.”
- The gospel language of covenant belonging. We live in a self-centered world. It is as if we believe we know best our own self-interest and how to pursue it. Jesus Christ offers a better way—relationships founded on divine covenant, stronger than the cords of death. In truth, He knows us better and loves us more than we know or love ourselves.
- May we each learn to speak and hear His love here, in our hearts and homes, and in our gospel callings, activities, ministering, and service.
President Russell M. Nelson: Think Celestial! (full talk)
Your choices will determine where you will live throughout eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever.
- I have learned that Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous, that what we do in this life really matters, and that the Savior’s Atonement is what makes our Father’s plan possible.
- The Savior suffered “pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind” (Alma 7:11-12) so that He can comfort us, heal us, rescue us in times of need. Jesus Christ described His experience in Gethsemane and on Calvary: “Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore.” (D&C 19:18)
- Because of Jesus Christ’s infinite Atonement, our Heavenly Father’s plan is a perfect plan! An understanding of God’s fabulous plan takes the mystery out of life and the uncertainty out of our future.
- I invite you to adopt the practice of “thinking celestial”!7 Thinking celestial means being spiritually minded.
- Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import. Make the celestial kingdom your eternal goal and then carefully considering where each of your decisions while here on earth will place you in the next world. How and where and with whom do you want to live forever? You get to choose.
- As you think celestial, your heart will gradually change. You will want to pray more often and more sincerely. His response to your prayers may surprise you and will help you to think celestial. Our prayers can be—and should be—living discussions with our Heavenly Father.
- As you think celestial, you will find yourself avoiding anything that robs you of your agency. Any addiction—be it gaming, gambling, debt, drugs, alcohol, anger, pornography, sex, or even food—offends God. Why? Because your obsession becomes your god. You look to it rather than to Him for solace.
- The Apostle Paul prophesied that “in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” Seek guidance from voices you can trust—from prophets, seers, and revelators and from the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, who “will show unto you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne 32:5; D&C 42:61) Please do the spiritual work to increase your capacity to receive personal revelation.
- Paying tithing requires faith, and it also builds faith in God and His Beloved Son. Choosing to live a virtuous life in a sexualized, politicized world builds faith. Spending more time in the temple builds faith. And your service and worship in the temple will help you to think celestial. The temple is a place of revelation.
: (full talk)